Minecraft server Grind-MC

GrindMC is a server completely different from every other server out there, everything has been customized, from custom craftings, weapons, spells, raid mechanics, and much MUCH more.

It also includes:
- McMMo
- Player vaults
- Envoys
- Crates
- Lands
- Seasonal resets
- Daily rewards
- Chat customizations

We are currently in Early Access. We still have lots of testing to do and there will be bugs. Mechanics and custom items will be added throughout Early Access.

If you are interested in joining our server the ip is grind-mc.com. You can also visit our website at www.grind-mc.com. We hope you enjoy your stay here at GrindMC!

Status: Online
IP: play.grind-mc.com
Uptime: 99.7%
Country: US
Players: 2/100
Embed code

Added: Admin Created: 12/08/2020