Minecraft server Survive The Adventure

We are online 24/7 with minimal downtime and i frequently check that status to ensure if there is a crash it is fixed. Our website has the area to buy VIP/VIP+ and each come with xp multipliers and access to more stuff also listed on the site. Website is agentendercake.wix.com/s-t-a

Plugins: Assasins Pack,Essentials,worldguard,xpmultipliers,Vault,Timber,ServerShopGUI,Music (try /play),MobCash,MCjobs,lockette,lottery,legacy,Lava Forge,InstantDecay,mcMMO,Cannons,Heads,DiabloDrops,CoreProtect,bizukkit,AutoBow
Want to be a part of the next adventure map? check the website forums for a sign up sheet and comment ur ign
We award 10-25 Gold,Diamond,or Iron for each vote (it is random)

Status: Offline
Uptime: 26.2%
Country: US
Players: 0/0
Embed code


Added: Admin Created: 12/08/2020